Scottish Labour History Society Newsletter

September 2024

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Opening text

Calton Weavers’ Commemoration
This year’s Calton Weavers’ Commemoration has been rescheduled for Sunday, 22nd September, at 1pm. The change is the result of an anticipated large increase in traffic, busy public transport and parking restrictions because of a re-arranged ‘old firm’ football match on September 1st.

Annual International Brigade Commemoration
The annual Glasgow Commemoration of the International Brigade will be held at the La Pasionaria Statue, Custom House Quay, on Saturday 21st September at 10.30am. Attendees are asked to assemble from 10.00am onwards for the event, which will include speakers, poetry reading, wreath laying and a one-minute moment of reflection. Full details from the Glasgow Hope Not Hate website at  

Glasgow Open Doors Heritage Trails
The weekend of September 21st and September 22nd has several labour history-related events. As well as the International Brigade commemeration on the Saturday and the Calton Weavers commemoration on the Sunday, the following Glasgow Doors Open Days Heritage Trails, jointly organised by the Scottish Labour History Society and Glasgow Radical Tours, are available:
* Friday 20 September, 11am: Refugee Histories, led by Katherine MacKinnon;
* Saturday 21 September, 11am: Everybody to Kenmure Street, led by Henry Bell;
Saturday 21 September, 2.30pm: The Making of the Clydeside Working Class, led by Stewart Maclennan.
Full details, with booking arrangements, are available through the Glasgow Doors Open 2024 website at

Praxis Press Offer to SLHS Members
Praxis Press of Glasgow, the publishers of John Foster’s new book, Languages of Class Struggle: Communication and Mass Mobilisation in Britain and Ireland 1842-1972, is offering a 20% discount to Scottish Labour History Society members on all its current titles. These can be found at, and include not only John Foster’s new book, but a range of titles on Marxism, socialist theory, communist history, global politics and the labour movement. The discount code to use is 'SLHS24' and it will run until the end of this year.

New Working Class Movement Library Podcast
Authors Owen Hatherley and Isaac Rose recently gave a joint talk at Salford’s Working Class Movement Library entitled Rochdale Villages, which explored co-operation, municipal socialism and finance capital in Manchester and New York, ‘two cities’, says the WCML, ‘where the ruins of a municipal socialism are now buried under a flood of finance capital, yet where the irrepressible spirit of resistance pushes up through the cracks’. The talk is available via a WCML podcast at… Hatherley is, amongst other things, a commissioning editor at Jacobin magazine; Rose is an organiser for Greater Manchester Tenants’ Union.

A L Morton Memorial Lecture 2024
Dr Ariel Hessayon, Reader in Early Modern History, at Goldsmiths, University of London, will be giving the 2024 A L Morton Memorial Lecture in honour of the renowned labour historian. Dr Hessayon will revisit Morton’s well-known text, The World of the Ranters, and the lecture is available online at 7pm on Tuesday, 24th September. All are welcome to attend but those intending to do so should register in advance at…

The Role of Theatre in Modern Workers’ Movements
The Working Class Movement Library is organising Performing Resistance, a workshop exploring the impact of theatre on contemporary workers’ movements on Saturday 21st September, from 1pm to 4.30pm. The event is aimed at trade unionists, activists, students and others interested in creative approaches to activism. Participants will include unions reps, theatre workers, and academics, and will explore ways of organising in the workplace, on picket lines and in communities, using political theatre, video, music and song. For more details see